Source code for apdft.calculator.mrcc

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import numpy as np
import basis_set_exchange as bse
import jinja2 as j

from apdft import calculator
from apdft import log
import apdft.physics as physics
from apdft.calculator.gaussian import GaussianCalculator

[docs]class MrccCalculator(calculator.Calculator): _methods = {"CCSDT": "ccsdt", "CCSD": "ccsd", "HF": "RHF"} @staticmethod def _parse_densityfile(densityfile): """ Returns all relevant data from a MRCC density file. Columns 0-2: x, y, z coordinates in bohr Column 3: weights Column 4: density""" with open(densityfile, "r") as fh: _ = np.fromfile(fh, "i4") q = _[3:-1].view(np.float64) ccdensity = q.reshape((-1, 10)) return ccdensity[:, 1:6]
[docs] @staticmethod def density_on_grid(densityfile, grid): ccdensity = MrccCalculator._parse_densityfile(densityfile) if not np.allclose(grid, ccdensity[:, :3] / physics.angstrom): raise ValueError("Unable to combine different grids.") return ccdensity[:, 4]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_grid(nuclear_numbers, coordinates, outputfolder): """ Obtains the integration grid from one of the MRCC output files. Returns: Grid coordinates [Angstrom], grid weights.""" ccdensity = MrccCalculator._parse_densityfile("%s/DENSITY" % outputfolder) return ccdensity[:, :3] / physics.angstrom, ccdensity[:, 3]
@staticmethod def _format_charges(coordinates, nuclear_numbers, nuclear_charges): ret = [] for coord, Z_ref, Z_tar in zip(coordinates, nuclear_numbers, nuclear_charges): ret.append("%f %f %f %f" % (coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], (Z_tar - Z_ref))) return "\n".join(ret)
[docs] def get_input( self, coordinates, nuclear_numbers, nuclear_charges, grid, iscomparison=False, includeonly=None, ): basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open("%s/templates/mrcc.txt" % basedir) as fh: template = j.Template( env_coord = GaussianCalculator._format_coordinates(nuclear_numbers, coordinates) env_basis = self._basisset env_numatoms = len(nuclear_numbers) env_charged = MrccCalculator._format_charges( coordinates, nuclear_numbers, nuclear_charges ) return template.render( coordinates=env_coord, method=self._methods[self._method], basisset=env_basis, numatoms=env_numatoms, charges=env_charged, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_runfile(self, coordinates, nuclear_numbers, nuclear_charges, grid): basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open("%s/templates/" % basedir) as fh: template = j.Template( return template.render()
[docs] def get_density_on_grid(self, folder, grid): return MrccCalculator.density_on_grid(folder + "/DENSITY", grid)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_total_energy(folder): """ Returns the total energy in Hartree.""" logfile = "%s/run.log" % folder energy = None with open(logfile) as fh: lines = fh.readlines()[::-1] for line in lines: if "Total CCSD energy [au]:" in line: energy = float(line.strip().split()[-1]) break if "***FINAL KOHN-SHAM ENERGY:" in line: energy = float(line.strip().split()[-2]) break if energy is None: log.log( "Unable to read energy from log file.", filename=logfile, level="error" ) return 0 return energy
[docs] @staticmethod def get_electronic_dipole(folder, gridcoords, gridweights): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_epn(folder, coordinates, includeatoms, nuclear_charges): """ Calculates the EPN from a MRCC density file. MRCC has no support to evaluate the EPN directly. To avoid parsing the ordering of the density matrix in ao basis, the density on a grid is read instead. The resulting error should be small for the first few orders. Args: folder: String, the path to the calculation. coordiantes: Nuclear coordinates includeatoms: List of zero-based indices of the atoms to include in APDFT nuclear_charges: Float, list of nuclear charges for this particular calculation. Returns: Numpy array of EPN in Hartree.""" components = MrccCalculator._parse_densityfile("%s/DENSITY" % folder) gridpos, gridweights, density = ( components[:, :3], components[:, 3], components[:, 4], ) epns = [] for atomidx in includeatoms: ds = np.linalg.norm( gridpos - coordinates[atomidx] * physics.angstrom, axis=1 ) epns.append((gridweights * density / ds).sum()) return np.array(epns)