Installation ============ APDFT does not perform calculations itself. You will need access to one of the supported QM codes as listed [here]. However, it is not required to install APDFT on the same machine as the QM code. This separation is often useful since the calculations need to run on a compute cluster while it is more convenient to do pre-processing interactively on a workstation. This is particularly true if the version of python on the compute cluster is not recent enough. Installing APDFT ---------------- You can install APDFT from PyPI: .. code :: pip install apdft For regular users, this is sufficient. Installing the development version ---------------------------------- First, clone APDFT from github: .. code :: git clone cd APDFT APDFT requires python 3.6 or newer. If that is met, all dependencies can be installed as follows: .. code :: pip3 install jinja2 basis_set_exchange Cython numpy scipy h5py pyscf cclib structlog colorama Finally, the paths need to be set correctly: .. code :: echo 'export PATH="'$(realpath src)':$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'export PYTHONPATH="'$(realpath src)':$PYTHONPATH"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc Now you are ready to run ** on the command line as a substitute for *apdft* which would be installed by pip. Have a look at :ref:`Getting Started` to see an example.